You Are Enough…

You Are Enough...Dare To Be Great!

I can’t believe I’m even talking about this…

Have you ever found yourself being someone else to fit in?

So let me just tell you how I had low self-esteem from being criticize for being overweight, not small enough to fit in the rides at the amusement park. Overlooked for promotions, rejected from past relationships with men who cheated on me left me feeling like I was just not good enough…

There is always someone focusing on the one wrong thing about you. Somehow, they become blinded by your wins they just never focus on the hundred millionth things you’ve got right…

Let me drop a nugget of wisdom on you…Other people opinions does not define you. (period, point blank)

 Instead, their opinions of  you should enlightened you because their criticism and negative opinion of you  really shine the light on your gifts and what you really possess. They see what you got going on and that you’re Poppin’ in these Streets  and they want a piece of the action. I am often reminded about the lies of the enemy of our souls. (Satan) when he starts lying to us, saying “we are not good enough” he is only trying to deter your from thinking the opposite of his lies, which is the truth that ” YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH.” 

Anytime you make a decision to Level up, Glow Up and Shine there are always people who will try to bring you down to their miserable life. I realize that people are intimidated by the Anointing and God’s Favor that rest on your life.  Really it comes down to the people who reject you don’t have the capacity to deal with your level of anointing.  

There are some people that are going to make it their business to ignore you and acknowledge your worth. They don’t see your value. Sis, don’t chase that kind of negativity, they are not worth your precious time.  Listen, I realize that people will size you up and try to estimate just how much you are worth. Don’t give them that kind of  power by accepting someone else’s estimation of your worth and control your value according to their perception of you. Don’t fall in the trap, like I did, of not taking responsibility of your behaviors and feelings.  Let me set free right here,  You can’t control other people actions towards you but you sure can control your Response. 

  Meaning, if you allow someone else to control your thoughts about yourself,  you will become blinded and unable to see your own strengths and get off track and lose focus on becoming the best version of yourself. Take it from me… “I been there, done that!” It’s time to focus on your life’s purpose, being the AMAZING person you are born to be, pray for your critics and don’t wait for anyone’s approval! 

The Best way to kill a hater is to WIN!

 Are YOU ready to become the best version of yourself?

You are ENOUGH! Challenge Your Self, Make You a Priority Today… Click here

Life is filled with easy “put offs”, I’ll do it later” we say all too often to ourselves, there’s plenty of time, leading us to so many our days ending empty and unfulfilled; before you know life will pass you by and you will collecting a culmination of several decades of putting off little things.  Procrastination is the greatest dream assassin, it will ultimately devour our future, our hopes, our dreams, our destinies. 

Why put off your future when you have the opportunity to accomplish and live out your desires faster than you saying I will do it tomorrow…

Are you ready for the challenge watch this to give you some encouragement… Here is a Video from my Facebook Live Monday Morning Glow Up Secrets  Watch Here 

You are enough… Let’s take care of that ONE thing that will put back the fight in you and release whatever is holding you back.

It’s FREE!  You can register today! and Declare I am ENOUGH!!!

You Are Enough Challenge… Is a 5 Days of Live workshops

How to change your mindset 

How to stay in and out your feelings in healthy ways. 

Self Care/ Love Hacks

Life- Changing Glow Up Secrets to get your life in better fighting shape 

Use this link to learn your next steps

Don’t miss your moment. While registration is still open.

So what are you waiting for? 

It will be closing soon… Click here to claim your seat

It could life- transforming for you.

See you on the inside…

Dr. Sakinah O’Kane