Everything You Wanted to Know about GIVE ME 20!!

Give Me 20! Drop 20lbs in 10 Days

How bad do you want it ?Everyone should ask themselves this question every once in a while. It is a great question to ask about your personal life as well. Just to quickly introduce myself, My name is Dr. Sakinah O’ Kane a spiritual life coach aka “Glow Up Coach” and I help women get their life in better fighting shape mind, body and soul through natural skincare products and practical holistic ways.  

For a very long time I struggled with my weight and wanted a plan where I can be consistent and keep the weight off. I had a turning point in my life after a nasty divorce, losing my job, emotionally eating and not feeling good in my clothing. I went on my own personal journey within. I believe that a good life come from the inside.  My highest weight I was almost 400lbs and wearing a size 24 dress. Today, I ‘ve lost over 100lbs and went from wearing a size 24 dress to a size 14. And you can do it too.

That’s why I put this Give Me 20! Drop 20lbs in 10 Days Challenge. You don’t need to wait anymore let’s do this challenge together.


Give Me 20! Drop 20lbs in 10 Days Challenge will help you Get Your Whole Life…by providing you with a shopping list to get started without breaking the bank, daily video with activities and lessons that can be easily integrated into your everyday life. I share my secrets and smoothie and detox recipes will having feeling great on every level.   I will definitely give my hacks and tips on how to Get Your Glow Up that will shine through the dark clouds of difficult times. Join our Facebook  group so you meet others who are on the same path as you. Having a community around a common goal is so encouraging. PLUS, it’s an important part of the process to join and participate in the group—see you there!

  • Achieve your goals
  • Feel emotionally and spiritually healthier
  • Shed a few pounds in a 100% healthy way
  • Look better and have an awesome Glow that will be contagious
  • Develop new habits to thrive in Life
  • Empower you to transform who you are
  • Learning how to practice a deeper level of self- care and acceptance.

It helps us reflect on the past days, months and years to see how it all went, which is crucial if you want to Glow up your game in living a free life.

You see, you get a restart on your personal journey. It’s up to you to make sure the following year and decade isn’t just a copy-and-paste version of the last one.

You don’t want to do the same things that you did the year before. Even if you absolutely killed it, there’s always something that you can work on.

Do you have some things to work on? Do You want your waist snatched? If that’s you click here and Register Now!

I had an awesome year. I worked on new project’s and made some amazing connections and transformational changes in my own life. After healing from a tragic divorce and becoming emotionally free. I decided to give myself a personal Glow Up and lost 130lbs and make intentional steps to live a Free Lit life that   will be contagious…

But of course, I didn’t do everything perfectly. Who does?

I would love to share with you what I’ve done to get my Glow Up in Give Me 20! Challenge…

So it’s about looking at two things.

The first one is your wins and the momentum that you created. This gives you a chance to see how amazing your life work has been and how much you’ve progressed.

But more importantly, you need to look at the things that didn’t go according to plan. This gives you a chance to truly transform this year and years ahead.

 The point is to not let the year simply restart itself: you get to start it the way you want.

Of course, you need to look at some things more than once a year. In fact, you could look at some things every single day. Some days are fantastic, others suck. Then you do the same thing for weeks, months, and years.

Ultimately, you’ll paint a picture of your whole year, and get a clearer picture you can build on.

So, here is what I want you to do right now: Set aside a few minutes and see how your year has been going. In my next few emails, I will break this framework into steps we use in my Drop 20lbs in 10 days so stay with me.

If you desire to get your waist snatched and desire positive change in your life. You have time to register the Challenge will begin on May 10, 2021. Invite a friend or two it’s always better when you have someone to share the journey with.

Register Now!