How to Lose 5 pounds in 5 Days with 6 Amazing Steps

The Secrets of losing weight

If you’ve ever wanted to lose weight, then you’re reading the right article. That’s because you’re about to discover my easy 6-step method for dropping unwanted pounds.

And the good news is that this method works even if you never worked out before, feel like you didn’t have the skill or experience.

Read on…

Step 1: Get really clear about what you really want. Create a Plan! Choose to have a made-up mind and determination to win.

Many people who are new to Mind- Body- Soul process don’t even realize that they need to do this step before they can set a goal for their target weight. And that’s why a lot of people who try to lose weight end up failing – they’re simply

missing this crucial step.

So, the first thing you need to do is : Pick a deadline you can actually prepare for.

A. Preparation is key when you are about make major changes to your life. Share your endeavors with significant other or family members so you can have the support you need to complete the process successfully.

B. Purchase food, equipment and tools to start without any distractions and obstacles to throw you off course once you get started.

C. Have a positive attitude and determination to see this process to end. If possible recruit family and friends to join you on the challenge so they you could encourage one another and hold each other accountable!

D. Psst! Side Note: It’s always fun when you have someone who can share in the journey with you. ( just to set the record straight there is nothing more motivating or mortifying than weighing yourself at your heaviest in front of other people)

You’ll find that this part of the process goes much more smoothly if you apply these tips and tricks:

• Follow every step of the process.

• Be Consistent: Consistency is the key to success

• No Cheating

• Once you’ve gotten started and your got all that you need for the Mind- Body- Soul process, then you can move on to the next step…

Step 2: Start out with recording your beginning weight. Yes…. I said it step on the scale take a pic of yourself from different angles for before and after pics.

The next thing you need to do is start out at your own pace until you find your groove with things.

When I first started trying to complete the Mind- Body- Soul process, I made a lot of mistakes. And now that I’ve helped others do it, I see a lot of people tend to make the same mistakes.

So let me share with you the top 3 mistakes and how to avoid them:

• Common mistake #1 and how to avoid it. I Set a ridiculous goal for a short time span that I couldn’t reach

• Common mistake #2 Wasn’t consistent and always felt like I had more time to reach my goal.

• Mistake #3 I kept stopping and starting and just flat out quit when it got tough didn’t see what the end was going to be.

Step 3: Get serious about eating clean ( the right stuff and making time to take my walks and journal. Even when you don’t feel like it, and even when other things come up that seem to be far more urgent… don’t give up on yourself if you fail the first and second try. Always celebrate your wins.

At this step you’re likely to notice some small changes in your clothes and how you are feeling along the process. So, what you need to do is stay focus and keep the end in mind that you will soon be in the your favorite dress and/or shirt before you know it.

I still remember the first time I was doing this step and trying to lose weight. I try to set some smart goals to start the process. You know, goals can be pretty tricky sometimes, can’t they?

There are so many things we’d like to have happen in our lives. More money, more freedom, another vacation, a better job, a more organized life, a happier marriage… This list can go on and on.

And yet, how often are we willing to actually take the necessary steps to make those wishes come true? When do we actually DECIDE what it is that we want and then take action. Not just once or twice but really be consistent, in order to make it happen?

Let tell you a short story about me a couple of years ago. It was the busy season of my life, I had couple of unexpected crisis like got a divorce, lost my job, relocated to another state and as I was survival mode working nonstop, while the rest of my life and especially my health got put on the back burner. I stopped working out regularly and because I was so overwhelmed with responsibilities I didn’t have time nor the energy to cook or meal plan. I had found myself eating out way too much.

Track your meals, just as in Step 1, create a plan to make a conscious effort to make better food choices even when you go out to eat a restaurant. That means no more chicken wings, fries, social drinking and summer deserts ( smile).

Listen, I am going to be honest with you. This was hard work. I used the glow up goal setting system in the Soulfully U Agenda to stay on track. Through perseverance I not only lost 5lbs but 140lbs and counting… and while I do like winning, let me just give you the REAL TEA on my win. It’s really on how much better I feel. I have so much more energy and mental clarity, not to mention so much more confidence… Cause You know what I say all the time I’m “ Poppin’ In These Streets”

And there you have it – a simple 6 Amazing Step method to lose 5lbs in 5days. Now that

you know how to lose 5lbs, there’s just one thing left for you to do: take action.

So, get to it and click here, get your FREE workbook. I Just know that you will  soon enjoy your new body.

Hugs, Dr. Sakinah 

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