My Journey Within: A Ride of a Lifetime

My Journey to finding me

Finding yourself in the midst of a crisis is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Eventually you get stuck by the needle and find your way… It was a journey I was willing to take…

Short story about my Divorce and my view on it. It’s an internal and visible crisis of being broken into little bitty pieces and trying to put yourself, life, and family back together. Almost like humpy dumpy sat on a wall and had a great fall.  It was difficult picking up the pieces because I was reactionary to my immediate pain. I was stuck in a destructive pattern of feeling helpless, ashamed, embarrassed, confused, frustrated and hurt. I knew I needed to navigate this pain in a God-honoring way. This could be very tricky and sometimes risky. I knew that being in a devastating relationship injures more than our emotions, it attacks every part of our lives and can destroy our souls. I know it’s painful and scary to think about what it will take to clean up the mess. This was no simple clean up. There is no quick or easy solution, and this hot mess has turned my entire life upside down. From this vantage point, I didn’t know when my life will ever feel normal again. I had to internally look inside myself and make some efforts to address my emotional well-being . I was an emotional wreck, I was gaining weight by the day, depressed and unable to hope for happiness, let alone freedom. Even in my feeble attempts to make some initial efforts, the challenges I faced daily made it easier to give up and close my eyes to the obvious destruction all around me.

So I encourage myself and had a little self—talk “Girl You Got This!” it was time to face what I dreaded the most and came to realization that I couldn’t change something that I was not willing to face. I can’t promise that if you read this blog, the destructive person in your life will change. But I can promise you, that if you apply what you read and see, you will grow and heal and become a healthier individual, which is a good start toward building a more loving and healthier you. I understand right now, surviving a life change seem impossible. I wish there weren’t a need to write a blog on these topics, especially for Christians. Sadly, this material is probably long overdue. Everything for me was going all the way left (wrong). I was fired from my job one week after celebrating my birthday in May of 2019, unemployed, single, I was at my highest weight, weighing over 300lbs. I was an overweight lonely forty something year old woman. In 2018 I had sporadically started my weight loss journey, joined a gym, even tried some alternative diets, created some physical strength goals and had some small victories , but wasn’t quite losing the weight as fast as I would like. 

The Turning point for me is when I began this internal journey. After looking at myself in the mirror and didn’t like what I saw. I decided to take a 30day to myself, because I needed make some changes to my lifestyle for the better. I decided to take my own course the Journey Within: Soul Care. I went on a Journey to further understand the mind- body-spirit connection that can either heal or destroy me. I stopped emotional eating, eliminating sugary drinks, fried foods and started working out with regular routine that incorporated Pilates, Abdominal workout and walk 3 miles six days a week.

Hey did you know that emotions can turn into physical disease in your body? 

No person experience an emotion just in her/his heart or mind, but it’s a chemical reaction both on an organ and cellular level. Not only do the brain and the cells of the body talk to each other but the cells in your body also have a degree of memory. I know it sounds crazy because were so used to learning about how not to show our emotions. 

Stress is the body and mind’s response to any pressure that disrupts their normal balance.” I had to take a long look at the way I felt about the obstacles and hurdles in my life. 

According to researchers to connect emotional stress and disease is caused by an oversupply of hormones in the body. I have  learned that the body releases a hormone called Cortisol. High levels of cortisol over time can cause blood sugar level, insulin levels and cholesterol levels to rise and remain high in the body. Too much cortisol can also make the body gain weight and retain weight especially in the midsection of the body.

I was experiencing chronic levels of cortisol it was taking a toll on my body. It started to deplete vital calcium, magnesium and potassium in my body. Emotionally and physically I became weak.  I’ve learned that if the cortisol is left unchecked in body it can lead to damaging results. 

Don’t worry I have great news. I started seeing results 30 days after my life changes. I noticed my weight loss in my midsection and dress size going from a size 24 to 14.

You can overcome the deadly emotions that could trigger the disease process.

I’m going to share my secrets with you today that’s going to revolutionize your life emotionally, physically and spiritually.

I’m Dr. Sakinah O’ Kane I am the Glow Up Coach who has created a course that help people heal and grow emotionally and spiritually at the same time. The course is called “ The Journey Within: Soul Care ( Ten amazing journey in yourself to become emotionally an spiritually free)

So I’m going to share with you 3 secrets about The Journey Within and how you too can experience true emotional and spiritual freedom.

And I know what you’re probably thinking. This won’t work for me.

But again, I’m going to show you a great way you can take a journey within yourself and get amazing results

So the First secret is, admitting that you’re in pain and you need healing. The big idea here is what you conceal you won’t heal. If you don’t reveal what’s hurting you, how can you fix the problem?.

This is important because this will help you overcome the blocks that holding the “ Free You” hostage.

The Second secret is changing your mindset. Behavior modification without a changed mindset will not guarantee transformation. The main thing to know that a person’s stress level has everything to do with what they believe. This meant changing my mind, changes what I believe that changed my actions to a transformed life. I learned to love, eating clean,  fitness in a new way. I even incorporated intermittent fasting as my alternative diet.

The Third secret is making the necessary journey steps within yourself to ultimately transform your life. This is key because choosing you is self- care. What you believe , what you perceive, determines how much stress you have, and depending on the amount of stress you have will determine how tired you feel at the end of the day. Each activity determines the stress you’ll experience in each activity. When it comes to stress, believing is key. I learned to overcome my doubts by believing in myself and setting achievable goals that brought my great results.

Now, I know what you’re thinking

I’m very busy and I don’t have time. life started picking up for me and I hit a plateau, when I hit 95lbs loss, but the results kept me motivated and I fell in love with the person I saw in the mirror.

Well the tricky thing is that the body doesn’t know or care what caused the pain/ stress all the body knows is that it is experiencing stress.  I know that when we are a lot more calmer, the greater levels of healing you will experience.

And so I’ve taken the journey within my very own natural holistic interactive process and created a webinar sharing my 10 amazing surefire ways to glow up where you to can experience this amazing freedom, look and feel better on every quest. I started this journey in 2018. it took me nearly two years to get the results thus far.  I love my life, I love trying on new clothes and fitting awesome with going into clothing stores shopping for smaller size I couldn’t fit before. I have so much energy and confidence to participate in activities that I was unable to do  before.

 The Journey Within: Soul Care will do that for you. It will add value to you, develop new habits to achieve your goals and thrive, get your life in better fighting shape as feel and look better emotionally, mentally and physically. Learn how to practice a deeper level of self-care and acceptance . An ultimately have an awesome glow up that is contagious.

And I, as a Life Coach with over 15 years experience and working in various human service fields. Along with being the first African American Latina Woman to created and published a course that help people heal from their past and present hurts that impact their life today and become the best version of themselves by blending biblical principles to real complex life issues. The Journey Within: Soul Care is a course of amazing materiel that has proven life changing results of many people who have taken my course that testified of the healing and freedom they have experienced and continue to experience.  I have experience so many victories after taken my journey within.  I feel like I’ve really glowed up in the past two years because I started a new journey to look within myself, heal emotionally, physically and Spiritually as I conquered my fears, a great business, ended a toxic relationship, lost over 130 pounds and became the best version of myself .  

So what I’ve done is create a webinar all for you. I share my the exact steps I used to transform my mind, body and soul.  

This webinar is for you and it’s your time to become a better “YOU.”

If you Click the Link, you can access it today and take advantage of your personal ride to freedom.

I honestly don’t know how much longer we’ll keep the Journey Within: Soul Care ( 10 amazing surefire journey steps to experience emotional and spiritual freedom) available because we can’t keep this offer forever, prices will probably go up because of its super value and we really should charge for it. 

We are partnering with other businesses and organizations to buy this kind of rare course. 

Click the Link and order The Journey Within: Soul Care today, while it’s still available.

We’re always here to help and I can’t tell you all the amazing results we’ve gotten for women just like you who are struggling with getting their life in better fighting shape and becoming emotional and spiritual free.

We also have Glow Masterclass, but today I’m talking about the Journey Within: Soul Care, which is amazing.

I can’t wait to see you on the inside